My recipe for
Get ready to crumble! Sharing my recipe for Blackberry Crumble Bars today – enjoy!
150g caster sugar
225g unsalted butter, well-softened
317g flour, sifted (I use half plain flour and half strong white bread flour)
Pinch of salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
300g blackberry jam
80g granola (without dried fruit which will burn during baking)
50g flaked almonds
Preheat oven to 160 fan/180C. Prepare a 23cmx23cm tin by lining with nonstick baking paper. Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, add the vanilla and salt, then add the sifted flour. Mix only long enough for the mixture to come together (it will look a bit like shortbread). Press 2/3 of the dough into the bottom and about 1cm up the sides of the tin. Spread the jam over, leaving about a 1cm border without jam. Mix the remaining dough with the granola to make a ‘crumble’ and sprinkle over the top of the jam layer. Top with the flaked almonds and bake for approximately 40-45 minutes until pale golden brown. Leave to cool completely before cutting into bars and store in an airtight tin.
TOP TIP: Substitute a different flavour of jam or mincemeat.
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